I have seen crazy difficult sleep situations many times before. You just don’t know how good it can get until you take the sleep crutches out of the bedtime.
You can have so many other good things going for you once you look at the daytime pieces of sleep environment, nap timing, bedtime routines and timing if bedtime. Alert temperament traits make it look impossible but it isn’t.
One time, a family thought they had a basket full of medical issues to deal with and amazingly, once we dealt with the sleep deprivation, the bedtime crutches and parental consistency, ALL the other issues melted away. It ended up all stemming from lack of sleep skills and sleep deprivation.
Be sure to start your gentle sleep plan on a good nap day, prepare for the protests that will come with the change, stay with her and offer her positive consistency in your responding and even if it was a medical issue, if you choose to do the middle night responding too, it’s often an appropriate response for a medical issue because you are right there the whole time, offer comfort and support.
Things WILL improve to the point that an additional issue will become more obvious.
Work with me to have the confidence to get healthy results.