Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A consistent gentle plan usually works but what if it doesn't...

Most people who attempt to improve sleep through sleep coaching just need a solid method and a lot of consistency.  If sleep coaching has been a real challenge and you just can't get there 100%, there may be an underlying problem to investigate. Sometimes as a sleep coach I feel like a detective. Some medical issues that mess up sleep are;

  • Low Milk Production-breast milk should be thick and yellowish.  If it's white and thin, there may be a problem if your child always seem to want to nurse and can't sleep long stretches.
  • Tongue Tie-This often gets overlooked when it's a simple fix.
  • Sensory Processing Issues-An OT (Ocupational Therapy) Assessment can be good for all kids.  Maybe your child perceives the world differently than we do.
  • Circadian Rhythm Abnormality-Your body's natural body clock is off
  • Melatonin regulation issues-Without the body's natural rising levels of Melatonin in the evening, it is difficult to fall asleep 
  • GERD/Reflux-Talk to your Doctor about this and all these issues.
  • Allergies-from environment allergies to food sensitivities, when sleeping things tend to feel worse.
  • Asthma-a chronic (long-term) lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways
  • Anemia-your blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of your body. The most common cause of anemia is not having enough iron.
  • ADHD-sometimes is misdiagnosed and is actually a sleep issue but most ADHD also have sleep issues.
  • Restless legs-also can be the result of low iron and Apnea.
  • Night Terrors-There may not be anything you can do about this other than keep your child safe and calm.
  • Seizures-There are tons of types of Seizures.
  • Apnea-narrow or blocking of the airways that will wake you up if you can breathe-a startling way to wake.
  • Anxiety-With this, Cry it out is not the way to go.
  • Medications that are stimulants-of course this will make a difference, talk about the timing of dosage with your doctor.

I usually find that a consistent and gentle behavioral modification method works for most families and there is no underlying condition but if things still seem not right, this is where you start looking. Sometimes I see red flags in your sleep history and we can address it sooner rather than later but it helps to book a consultation with your Medical Doctor or Natrualpathic Dr just to discuss sleep. There often isn't enough time to add sleep to the list of things to discuss at a normal well child visit.
50% of pediatricians do not ask about and/or screen for sleep issues. A gentle method is the best place to start and then we go from there... Call me if you need help. 602-524-7610

Friday, March 7, 2014

What is STTN?

STTN means 'sleeping through the night' and is a common acronym on blogs and posts. It means different things to different people. 4 hours. 5 hours. 8 hours. To me it's 10-12 hours. (Can you just imagine?) Everyone wants their baby to sleep through the night and when they don't, it can be hard to cope. (Deep sigh) Babies vary in readiness to go long stretches of sleep. Some babies do it quickly but then around 4 months it all falls apart. This is normal. Some babies get it and continue sleeping great through all their milestones and teething. Other babies don't sleep long stretches and it gets worse at 4 months or so. All this is normal. Some babies need more help learning sleep skills. Falling asleep is a learned skill. (Who knew!?) There are many things that can make it easier. Getting enough day sleep and daytime food helps. As a sleep coach, I try to assure parents that all the things they are doing to parent and cope are GREAT things to do. Nurse to sleep, rock to sleep, hold for sleep. These sleep crutches are blessings if that is the only way to get the much needed sleep. It's great to try other ways of soothing but if those don't work, please don't feel guilty for doing what is natural and comforting. 6 months is a great age to work on baby's self soothing skills but 4.5 months is an age where some gentle coaching and sleep shaping can start if you have a solid and safe plan. (I can help you with that.) If your scenario is particularly challenging you may ask, Will this get better with time? The answer is "maybe...eventually..." If you are fine doing your sleep crutches and helping your baby get back to sleep in the night, it is totally fine. If you need a change, give me a call and I will share my sleep secrets with you. Here's a tip... Use this guide as a starting place to figure out if your child is getting enough sleep. Each amount is an average and is for a 24 hour period. I am a gentle sleep coach.  There are more options than just Cry It Out.

Tracy Spackman CGSC