- Low Milk Production-breast milk should be thick and yellowish. If it's white and thin, there may be a problem if your child always seem to want to nurse and can't sleep long stretches.
- Tongue Tie-This often gets overlooked when it's a simple fix.
- Sensory Processing Issues-An OT (Ocupational Therapy) Assessment can be good for all kids. Maybe your child perceives the world differently than we do.
- Circadian Rhythm Abnormality-Your body's natural body clock is off http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23385698
- Melatonin regulation issues-Without the body's natural rising levels of Melatonin in the evening, it is difficult to fall asleep
- GERD/Reflux-Talk to your Doctor about this and all these issues.
- Allergies-from environment allergies to food sensitivities, when sleeping things tend to feel worse.
- Asthma-a chronic (long-term) lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways
- Anemia-your blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of your body. The most common cause of anemia is not having enough iron.
- ADHD-sometimes is misdiagnosed and is actually a sleep issue but most ADHD also have sleep issues.
- Restless legs-also can be the result of low iron and Apnea.
- Night Terrors-There may not be anything you can do about this other than keep your child safe and calm.
- Seizures-There are tons of types of Seizures.
- Apnea-narrow or blocking of the airways that will wake you up if you can breathe-a startling way to wake.
- Anxiety-With this, Cry it out is not the way to go.
- Medications that are stimulants-of course this will make a difference, talk about the timing of dosage with your doctor.
50% of pediatricians do not ask about and/or screen for sleep issues. A gentle method is the best place to start and then we go from there... Call me if you need help. 602-524-7610 www.GetQuietNights.com
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