Hi Tracy!

How are you? Long time, no talk which in your line of business isn't a bad thing ;) I never began my 2 weeks of follow up calls with you because Hailey responded very well to some of the changes we made during the day. Following your advice, I began giving her a morning nap again (no more than 45 mins), changed the night light situation, I bathe her with lilac Epsom salts every night, and I have waged a war against any form of light entering her room. I think one of the biggest changes is that she now goes to sleep no later than 7 pm (whereas previously it was 8 pm) and I've been diligently paying abiding by the sleep windows. As such, she's been sleeping through the night and the world is a much brighter happier place for our family :) In fact, we've fallen in love all over again with her! She is a TOTALLY different kid and has such an unbelievable little personality. She's more coordinated, there's no more raunchy, screaming crying, she's nowhere as intense, she's active, and best of all she's HAPPY! Some of the things that desperately concerned me are no longer concerns as it seems that the sleep has fixed so many of my worries. The more sleep she started getting during the day and the earlier bedtime allowed for her to start sleeping through the night. I didn't have to do any of the shushing. There was one week where she woke up often but she was getting 3 molars so I gave her an excuse. Aside from teething she sleeps through the night and it has been glorious.
This mom's baby was 17 months old, we did some gentle things to adjust her schedule and she had food sensitivities and would wake screaming bloody murder. The mom had serious health issues with her thyroid and what looked like PPD but guess what, getting back to sleeping all night fixed all the mom's health issues. A good sleep makes a world of difference. Sleep deprivation was wreaking havoc with her family and now it's wonderful again. Getting enough sleep is the right place to start.
If you are sleep deprived, I can help.
Free 15 minute sleep assessment. Just contact me.
Tracy Spackman
Post by Tracy Spackman.
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